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Brighten the Day of an Essential Worker with Any One of These Amazing Gifts

Image for Brighten the Day of an Essential Worker with Any One of These Amazing Gifts

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic began to sweep the nation, many people have been risking their lives for the greater good. Doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks, police officers, warehouse workers—the list goes on and on. Despite most of us being told to stay home, they continue doing their jobs from their places of employment and taking a great risk.

So, the least we can do is show our gratitude! If you have an essential worker in your life, here are great gift ideas that they are sure to love.

Activities to Entertain Their Kids.

Many parents, who are essential workers, are currently either separating themselves completely from their children or stepping up to entertain them during school closures since they have no other option. Whatever their method, they’re in need of some great ideas to keep those little minds occupied. Some ideas for these moms and dads in your life include sidewalk chalk, washable paints, puzzles, or board games.

Alternative Options for Laundry.

Right now, many health workers barely have time to sleep let alone do their laundry. Yet, they're still going through multiple pairs of scrubs a day to protect themselves from the highly infective virus. The solution? Giving them a gift certificate to an open Laundromat or dry cleaner. You'll save them time, money, and stress.

Lotion or Hand Salve for Their Hands.

More than anyone else, essential workers know the importance of washing their hands regularly or keeping them sanitized. And, since they're likely doing it repetitively throughout the day, they're also likely suffering from extra-dry hands. For that, they need lotion or hand salve made to soothe irritated or dry skin. Just make sure to keep it unscented!

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