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Make Road Trips More Fun for Everyone with These Sanity Saving Tips

Image for Make Road Trips More Fun for Everyone with These Sanity Saving Tips

Do your summer plans include a road trip? Not only can you save money, but you will also be able to create some great memories of your family time spent together. These tips will help make your road trip a time that everyone can enjoy.

Hand out several maps. Everyone likes to know where he or she is headed. This will also cure some of those “Are we there yet?” headaches.

If you are traveling with children, try to leave before they wake up in the morning. You will get some quiet driving time and they will be on their best behavior. Schedule lots of breaks at rest stops that include running around time. Try to get to your destination for the day in the late afternoon. This gives the kids time to unwind by playing or swimming before bed. If the weather is rainy, try visiting a local indoor mall.

To save even more money, avoid restaurants by picnicking for lunch every day of your road trip. Children and adults alike will enjoy the freedom of being able to move around after spending time in the car.
There is a wide selection of audio books for adults and children. Visit your library before your trip and get several titles for free. Having individual audio players for everyone is a must if you don’t all want to listen to “Green Eggs and Ham” over and over again.

Pack wisely. Bring several goodie bags for the kids to open up when they begin to get bored. Keep water and non-messy snacks in the car for everyone. Pack all of your children’s bags on top of other items for easy access anytime you stop.

Heights at La Salle Apartments in Durham, North Carolina goes out of our way to ensure that you live the lifestyle you have always desired and deserved. These helpful tips go beyond the scope of services we offer in our community in order to provide you with a more efficient routine.

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